Days ‘Til Christmas: 3

Dear Joey,

Have I told you how proud I am of you? If I haven’t made that perfectly clear, I am. So proud. So happy. So excited. (So envious you don’t have to work with food anymore lol.) I just can’t believe how much you’ve accomplished this year alone at Ohio State. All of these things are helping you so much for medical school and I have no doubts at all about you making your dreams a reality. Todays gifts are helpful. The first one says goodbye to an era, and welcomes in a new one. The second makes me so happy and I know you’ll love it. Both should help you make a swift transition to becoming a TA. :)

I love you so much! Christmas is almost hereeeee!


Days ‘Til Christmas: 4

Dear Joey,

It shouldn’t take you too long to figure out what today’s gift is :)

In about 2 minutes I’m going to wake you up.

Then you’re going to rush over here so I can make us a giant breakfast :) K? K.

I love you and I cannot wait for the game tonight!!!!!!!!!


Days ‘Til Christmas: 5

Dear Joey,

So I just realized that my countdown is off since on Dec 1 I used “25 days til Christmas.” Well now when Christmas Eve comes it will say “2 days til Christmas.” That’s really bothersome, I may have to go fix them all.


My secret errand at 10 this morning is pretty exciting. Buuuut, you won’t get the gift until Christmas Eve :)

Today, however, you will be receiving something you enjoy quite a lot. You want hints? Too bad.

I love you to the moon and back,

Days ‘Til Christmas: 6

Dear Joey,

I can’t believe I’m almost to the end of my gift giving :( Wah! Makes me sad.

I hope tonight we see some houses like this:

In UA of course.

And I really hope we see some like this:

And for laughs:

Wonder if it works?

Apparently this is a thing?


I love you so much baby,

Days ‘Til Christmas: 7

Dear Joey,

I love waking you up in the morning. You’re so cute when you’re sleepy. Every morning it makes me wish I were lying right next to you. Ah…. someday, I suppose.

Anyway, I hope you’re feeling lucky today – you’re going to need it :)

Less than a week until Christmas – oh ma lawwwd.

I lovelovelovelovelove yoooou!! <3333

Christmas lights 2010

Days ‘Til Christmas: 8

Dear Joey,

I’d been eyeing this gift since like November when they first put it on display. I HOPE HOPE HOPE I got the right kind. If not, we can make an exchange. :)

I got annoyed earlier when I saw a status that said “Keep Christ in Christmas” so I started looking at stuff and found these:


They’re funnnnneeeeee.

I love you baby! 8 days until Christmas!!!

Days ‘Til Christmas: 9

Dear Joey,

We. Are. In. The. Single. Digits.

Can you believe that Christmas is only 9 days away?! That’s just insane to me. The gift I’m giving you today pales in comparison to the early gift you gave me!! I’m so excited for that show. You don’t even know! Anyway, I saw you eyeing this at Target and another store so I decided to snatch it up for you!

It also may be the worst wrapping to date! ;)

I love you babbebebebe,

Days ‘Til Christmas: 10

Dear Joey,

I am so glad I bought you today’s gift!

I was nervous because you already have a different version of this thing, but then the other day you said you didn’t like that version and the version I got you is the version you like. YAY.

You will love it! You use this thing religiously and well I borrow it from you a lot so I thought I should get you a new one.


I love you,

Days ‘Til Christmas: 11

Dear Joey,


Because guess what we’re going to do! Watch christmas movies and bake (gluten free) cookies! I’ve been looking forward to this “gift” all month. I wanted to do it fairly close to Christmas but I couldn’t wait much longer, so we’re doing it NOW. I dug up “Jingle All the Way” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” only to find they were on VHS. I got really sad when I realized that none of our TVs have a VHS player anymore. So I went looking around in the (freezing) garage and I FOUND one. I just need your help to set it up whenever you get here :) In between movies we’ll be baking and munching on cookies :)

“I didn’t get my turboman…”

I love you,

Days ‘Til Christmas: 12

Dear Joey,

Today marks 4 years and 1 month of dating for us. WOOOOOOW. We’re pretty stellar at dating/loving each other. That’s something we’ll always be good at :)

And now we’re celebrating our 5th Christmas together. We’ve given each other so many gifts over the years but I feel like I will always be able to find something to give you. I’ve been taking lots of mental notes you see, anytime you say, “That’s cool!” or “I like that!”, Santa (me) is listening. When we were at Target (Wal-Mart? Maybe Kroger? Idk!) a few weeks ago, you said you wanted to try this. I hope you really do and I don’t look like an idiot for buying you this! Anyway, I think you’ll enjoy it :)

Gifts are about buying people things they wouldn’t normally buy for themselves. But I think, if you enjoy today’s gift, that you should indulge in yourself a little and go ahead and buy it on a regular basis! :)

I love you forever,
